Bail Bonds And Its Several Types
A bail bond is that contract based upon between a crime suspect and the jurisdiction and it normally gives a surety about court appearance of the suspect. It is again an agreement between four different entities which include the person being charged as guilty, the court, the bail bonding company and also the bond agent. The main job of the bail agent is to be responsible for the court appearance in time and the option to pay the bond is reserved to the suspect to decide whether he or she can afford to pay it or not. The court is the one that normally sets the bail amount and again the severity of the crime will decide the cost. In a case where the suspect escapes and is brought back to justice, he will thus lose all those rights to obtain back the bond money. The purpose of the bail bond company is thus to ensure that one appears before the court whenever the judge requires him or her. There are thus four main types of bail bonds which are normally used in the industry and these types differ slightly depending on the particular jurisdiction, city or even the state that the bonding will take place. The four main types of bonds thus which are used to obtain a person release from jail include surety bonds, federal bonds, cash bonds or even immigration bonds. Each and every type of bond here has different methods of releasing a person from jail. These types of bail bonds are thus discussed below:
First, we have cash bonds and these are used in a situation when a defendant or family member or even a friend requests to pay cash for the bail. Once the defendant is through with the required probationary terms of the arrest and shows up on all court hearings, the money which he or she paid is returned in whole. This type of bond is mostly used by elite persons, celebrities, professional athletes or even exclusive groups, learn more here!
The other type is surety bonds and here when one is arrested and taken to custody, another person or the one arrested can contact a professional indemnitor for instance bail bondsman who will assist in the bail process and here a collateral is required as bail amount. Know more about bail bonds here!
The other type is federal bonds and these are used in cases of a federal crime for instance tax evasion, embezzlement or even bank robbery and these are the most expensive bonds. We again have immigration bonds and these are for crimes which do involve foreign national and also non-citizens. Check out this website at for more info about bail bonds.